Submit Your Film/Trailer

Want to see your film listed on TrailerAddict? No problem! The only thing we require is that your film have a single video (minimum), be it a trailer, behind the scenes clip, interview or featurette. TrailerAddict cannot list films that do not have any related videos for hosting.

How much does it cost? Absolutely nothing. Come on, we're better than that.

What do I need to do? Email us with links or ways to download your video file(s), more on this below, while providing the following film information.

Film Info Required

Film Title
Studio/Distributor (if available)
Release Date (Pick a Date, eg. 11-07-09)
Poster (attach in email, if available)

If you have multiple videos, a description of each video would also be helpful. All of the information can be sent by email, with links to download the video files.

Video Info

The moderators at TrailerAddict compress all videos by hand, so don't worry about the format of your video too much. We accept MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, Quicktime and MPEG-4; that we can think of.

The only format we do not accept is PRORES encoding.

In terms of size and quality, we accept up to 1080p (1080) and bitrates up to 20Mbit/s are acceptable.

How do I send? Some programs to help you send large video files include Hightail, YouSendIt, MegaUpload, RapidShare, Apple Me and plenty of others.

Once we have your film added to our database and videos in hand, so to speak, it typically takes between 24 hours and 48 hours to see your film appear on TralerAddict. Feel free to email us (below) with any additional questions.