The X-Force Characters Earmarked For Deadpool 2 Appearances

With the sequel Deadpool 2 officially delayed an extra week to begin production on June 26 this year, final preparations are being made at 20th Century Fox and Marvel to make the 2018 blockbuster a smash hit. But laying the groundwork for a third installment and an X-Force spinoff requires a lot of work and deliberation. All while speculation continues over the involvement of certain comic book characters.

Securing the talented duo of Josh Brolin (Cable) and Zazie Beetz (Domino), attention is now turning to additional members of the militant mutant team. A report from this week indicates that the studio are on the search for three actors to fill three very important positions. Roles that will tie into the entire franchise and future operations.

Cameo Parts To Begin The Marvel Journey For New Trio

Shatterstar X-Force Marvel

The three mutants in question that are earmarked for at least a post-credit appearance will be Sunspot, Feral and Shatterstar. Adam Canto did take on the role of Sunspot in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but will in all likelihood be recast for a greater role. Much like Colossus was from the X-Men series to Deadpool.

Sunspot also goes by the name Bobby da Costa as the mutant can boost his energy through absorbing solar power. Maria Callasantos (Feral) has deadly claws, fangs and quick healing powers, much like Wolverine. Then there is Gaveedra-Seven (Shatterstar) whose origins arise from the planet Mojoworld. He can open teleportation portals and create shockwaves - handy abilities at the best of times.

2 Day Sex Romp Too Much: Baccarin

Deadpool Sex Scenes Montage

Morena Baccarin appeared on Conan this week as the actress opened up about that epic sex scene with Ryan Reynolds in the 2016 installment. Playing the part of Copycat that she is likely to reprise in the sequel, Baccarin told the late night talk show host that the fake lovemaking turned into a grueling endurance session she wished would end.

“It was really fun… minus the two days of sex scenes, it was wonderful, the whole experience,” she admitted. “It took two days to shoot (the sex scene), because I think it was us making sweet love for an entire calendar year... So it was all the holidays, you know. So we dressed differently for every one.

"Believe me, there’s a lot left on the cutting room floor, because there are a lot of holidays. And I feel good about that - the part that was left out. I literally mean that (was) enough sex. Like nobody needs to see more than what was in the movie!”

Source:, Express

