
White Girl Red Band Trailer (2016)

R-rated red band trailer for White Girl, starring Morgan Saylor, Brian Marc and Justin Bartha.

Summer, New York City. A college girl falls hard for a guy she just met. After a night of partying goes wrong, she goes to wild extremes to get him back.

A feature debut for director Elizabeth Wood, White Girl is based on her own experiences, which she can recount with accuracy thanks to diary entries she made when she was young. She came up with the film's title as it accurately describes the film's protagonist and the slang word used to describe cocaine.

And speaking of protagonist, if you are not sure how you recognize the lead "white girl", that is Morgan Saylor, the "daughter" from the hit Showtime series Homeland.

White Girl Red Band Trailer Screencap

Right when the red band trailer for White Girl got rolling I, having seen a number of drug-based films including Requiem for a Dream, already knew where the story was heading. Sure, at the beginning of the story everything seems all hunky dory, but then the effects, whether physical or legal, of drugs come to the forefront and the shit hits the fan. Nudity, more drugs, exploitation and then some, this film is following the drug-fueled drama to the "T".

While Morgan Saylor's character in Homeland annoyed the crap out of me to no end, her girl-in-distress acting style makes for a perfect fit here.

With FilmRise as the distributor, it's hard to guess just how large a distribution that this film might get, but we can assume it will most certainly find itself a strong cult following.

Ending the trailer with the dialogue, "Don't do drugs," was a perfect finishing move and worthy of some extra kudos.

1 min 58 sec


Posted On
July 12, 2016
Elizabeth Wood

Elizabeth Wood


August 26, 2016
Morgan Saylor
Brian 'Sene' Marc
Justin Bartha
Chris Noth
Adrian Martinez
Trailer Tracks
No Music Available
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